Information in this wiki applies to Hellgate: Global, which was shut down in 2015. It might not be accurate for other versions of the game.
Some information might be relevant to the 2018 Steam release because it's based on Global.
For information more relevant to the original Hellgate: London release and Test Center content, check out the London 2038 wiki.
Some information might be relevant to the 2018 Steam release because it's based on Global.
For information more relevant to the original Hellgate: London release and Test Center content, check out the London 2038 wiki.
Dmitriy's Glory
From Hellgate Global Wiki / Hellgate Resurrection Wiki
Dmitriy's Glory is a highly sought after cricket bat. What makes it unique is its consistent, hight damage output and zero stat requirement. It can be nanoforged into a worthy end game weapon.
Drop Location
Max item level drop is 7. Therefore only the earliest level mobs are able to drop the cricket bat, but the chances of finding a unique cricket bat are significantly less than finding another unique weapon at this level. A few examples include: