Author Topic: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow  (Read 9154 times)


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Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« on: Apr 22, 2010; 12:56 am »
Blademaster Changes

- Surges now only require 7 points to max out

- Surges have been improved.

- Whirlwind now provides more movement speed.

Summoner Changes

- Darkform summoners can now summon their other monsters besides their little alien creatures (I can't remember what they're actually called).

- Increased effects of Dark Form on the melee capabilities of the summoner.

- Increased the attack range on dark offering.

- You can now move and summon at the same time (summoning does not make you stand in place, character animation is of course different if you are running while you summon...).

Westminister Catacombs Improvements

- The Westminister Underground Temple can now be teleported to after you've completed the 15 floors of the Catacombs. Previously, you had to re-do the 15 floors every time you wanted to visit the catacombs. A new NPC has been added to Parliament Square; he will teleport you to the Temple when you've finished the initial quest.

- Monster levels have been adjusted to range from 40-58

- Stations have been added in between the Catacomb  floors (between floors 5-6 and 10-11).

- Mini-bosses have been added on floors 1-14; they have a chance of dropping mythic items (?)

- The boss in the Ungerground Temple can now be re-visited (previously once you beat him, he would not re-spawn).

Abyss Changes

- The Abyss now has 11 repeatable quests

Stonehenge Changes

- Wake Hollow is gone

- Now when you enter Stonehenge, you have access directly to the caves leading to the caste monsters. You will still be required to pay the essence fees before you can enter the caves.

- The caste caves now have new monsters (I.E. The beast caste cave has beast monsters from the Abyss areas - see screen shot below).

Other game changes

- Boss monsters now will have a chance to drop their specific legendary items on repeat fights (instead of only on the first fight)

- More tool tips have been added

- Changed the terminology on "damage absorption" for items; previously it did not make sense

- More item affixes are forthcoming ?

New Item Shop Items!

- +7 all attribute necklace; limited time only!
( Costs about $11.00 USD)

- Summon-pets (+armor/shields, +HP/Power); limited time only!
( Costs about $8.50 USD per pet; the pets are either a mini-Shulgoth that gives you the armor/shield buff OR a shock dynamo that gives you the +HP/Power buff... pretty cool, I always did want a shock dynamo as a pet.)

- New +30 attribute pills
( Costs about $1.80 USD)

- 1x1 slot bag (offers storage equal to the cube)
 (costs about $11.00 USD)

- Bigger locker expansion slot
(Expensive, I didn't check the price)

Edit: The new "functional pets" that you can purchase are either a mini-Shulgoth or a shock dynamo. There's also a special cokomoko pet, but you can only get him as a prize through an event, apparently.

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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #1 on: Apr 24, 2010; 01:19 am »
Decentish changes as far as balancing is concerned.

I really hate that damn item shop though.
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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #2 on: Apr 24, 2010; 03:48 pm »
Quote from: "Leitner"
Decentish changes as far as balancing is concerned.

I really hate that damn item shop though.

Agreed. I'd rather pay a monthly fee and not have that shop and its available at all.


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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #3 on: Apr 24, 2010; 06:57 pm »
I'd pay for shared stash, extra storage space and that kind of thing. But I'd never buy weapons, skill points or anything that makes the game artificially easier.

I'm just impatient to play it in any form  :|


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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #4 on: Apr 25, 2010; 01:26 am »
I kind of like the item shop, personally. But it's because of the changes that they've made and/or refused to have made to the game that breeds that kind of sentiment. So if it were the genuine 2.0 from Flagship... I then would say the shop has no place in the game.

But on the other changes... I'm surprised no one else is disappointed that they got rid of Wake Hollow. I do know a lot hated the time it took to hunt down caste caves, but personally I always did like Wake for its "instant action" feature... but perhaps I just grew to like it because there was nothing else to do in the game (aside from the main storyline).

Regardless... I think a lot of people would've liked the improved Wake Hollow from TC 2.0. It's a shame that we may never see it now.

Edit: I updated the post with pictures of the new functional pets; it was from the Hellgate: Leisure Wreck Shawn site, so that explains why there are cartoon word bubbles in the picture.

The special Cokomoko (or however you spell it) is either a drop found in game or a prize through a GM event. I cannot tell what since they posted the directions on how to get him via a jpeg with untranslatable Hanguil.

All the special Cokomoko does is grants you a 10% speed boost... not quite as great as the special zombot (15% movement and attack speed and 20% to all damage).
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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #5 on: Apr 25, 2010; 03:13 am »
i liked the tc wake hollow but it is hard to be dissappointed when there will be other new areas to explore. I dont really think they intend  to junk the wake hollow area so much as move its assets into other areas.
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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #6 on: Apr 25, 2010; 05:56 am »
Well, i must say i liked it as well. I would always join a party or get invited to a party to collect essence balls and heads. So, i am shocked in a way. It was just one of the fun places to party up. And, it was a great place to lvl up your character.


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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #7 on: Apr 26, 2010; 05:56 am »
Quote from: "zart"
i liked the tc wake hollow but it is hard to be dissappointed when there will be other new areas to explore. I dont really think they intend  to junk the wake hollow area so much as move its assets into other areas.

I hope you are right... I haven't seen the new Wake tile sets being used in any of the areas that "borrow" from Wake Hollow (I.E. Ash's area... I think it is called Harrow Deep? I can't remember clearly since I keep seeing it written in Hanguil.)
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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #8 on: Apr 26, 2010; 08:55 am »
Quote from: "zart"
Quote from: "thegreatcthulhu"
Quote from: "zart"
i liked the tc wake hollow but it is hard to be dissappointed when there will be other new areas to explore. I dont really think they intend  to junk the wake hollow area so much as move its assets into other areas.

I hope you are right... I haven't seen the new Wake tile sets being used in any of the areas that "borrow" from Wake Hollow (I.E. Ash's area... I think it is called Harrow Deep? I can't remember clearly since I keep seeing it written in Hanguil.)

Most of the assests I am referring to are simpler things like bushes and logs and atmosphere.  I dont recall tc wake as being much more complicated then the live version that featured square pits and mountains. What we dont want them to toss is the "instant action" feature that you described.

I would like your confirmation that the split level caves from TC are present as one searches between wake hallow and their target essence boss. It seemed one of your earlier reports alluded to it. Those caves were just a little more confusing and much more fun than the live version.

Edit: are you online with Tokyo yet? we await your considered opinion.

The real hope in all this FSS/Hanbit mess is in the frequency of the updates lately. There has been, what, 3 or 4 updates in the last six months to the game? That is more than FSS did in a year and a half. I submit to the community that this might be a good thing.

The concept, despite our desires and goals is solid. Future witches, knights and archers kills future demons and take their shit. What it needs to succeed is staff.

FSS blew it, but Hanbit, with a bigger team and a better plan seemingly, and despite our doubts, has ponied up and added 20+ new areas + monsters, in addition to all kinds of features to a largely hated game that would have died in it's creators hand. They cut off a few heads doing it... namely Rourke who was so dreamy.... but Hanbit could have acquired the engine and given the finger to this undead horse of a game. But the didn't.

For some weird reason they seem to have put more work into it than i would have ever expected.
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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #9 on: Apr 26, 2010; 09:47 am »
Some of the new areas provide what I've spoken; unfortunately they've made it imperative that you play through the main story acts now.... and all of those quests have become very mundane.

 They're largely unchanged and thus feel like a burden to have to re-do for paltry sums of experience points and the occasional attribute point. I will admit, they have increased the palladium rewards from the quests... but they seem to be more or less just enough to get you a starting purse that which can only really be taken further by spending some time with the consignment house.

I still have yet to have seen anything actually new... right now I am on the now mandatory "Second Invasion" quests which the Broker and one of Ser Sing's minions guides you through.

After the Invasion is over (and here's hoping that Talox is actually beatable solo... in the past I barely beat him... blew a lot of Palladium resurrecting), I should finally be able to see what they've done with Parliament Square/The Abyss... and from there Tokyo.

I was able to experience one small piece of Tokyo earlier via a weird quest that they give you in Charring Cross station. It was pretty fun, to be honest.... being able to fight lots of (mostly new) monsters in a terrain that I was unfamiliar with.

As for now... I'm feeling a little torn between spending more time with it or holding off and voiding the temptation of buying more items from the shop.

...depending on how long I hold off, my account will get deleted for inactivity. I believe after 6 weeks it gets nixed.

And as far as the concept goes... I think they have a clear idea of how the Cabalists should behave, but they seem lost on the Hunters and Templar. And as for the Templar, specifically... they keep making changes to the Blademaster on an almost weekly basis.
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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2010; 05:45 pm »
Anybody now realize that the armor the Shock Dynamo has on is awfully similar to the armor that the dude has in Dead Space?


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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2010; 02:04 am »
@The Great One:

Have you had the opportunity to try out these functional pets? If so, what kind of buffs do they provide? Or do they just fight at your side similar to minions? Apologies if you have already provided the answer in this thread or another.


Agree on the update schedule being a positive sign, it apparently beats the crap out of what FSS was doing as you pointed out. I think having this available and HG:R would be a  very good thing for all HGL fanatics...


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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2010; 06:16 am »
Quote from: "thegreatcthulhu"
the pets are either a mini-Shulgoth that gives you the armor/shield buff OR a shock dynamo that gives you the +HP/Power buff.

Here you go Thumper.

Pop? What pop?
You said you worked magic on me to do away with all the popping.
There should\'nt be any popping.
There\'s protective magic! You said so! Make it protect!


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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2010; 02:11 pm »
Quote from: "pennywise1"
Quote from: "thegreatcthulhu"
the pets are either a mini-Shulgoth that gives you the armor/shield buff OR a shock dynamo that gives you the +HP/Power buff.

Here you go Thumper.

Heh. Thanks PW. That's what happens when I post whilst sleepy... :).


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Re: Hellgate: LWS Patch 2.10 - Bye Bye Wake Hollow
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2010; 12:08 am »
Quote from: "thumper"
Heh. Thanks PW. That's what happens when I post whilst sleepy... :).

Happens to the best of us.  :mrgreen:

Pop? What pop?
You said you worked magic on me to do away with all the popping.
There should\'nt be any popping.
There\'s protective magic! You said so! Make it protect!